This original story written by Dawn Taubl, is a heart-felt comedy that takes place at Fairview High School, in San Diego. It’s a tribute to teachers striving to educate and support students, while also balancing the demands of their own lives & families. When the faculty & students find out that one of their most beloved teachers will be retiring, beautiful and surprising things begin to happen. 

“Hopelessly Devoted” contains all original songs, composed by Carol Taubl, inspired by music of the seventies!


Shows are on Friday, August 2, 2024 at 7pm and Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 2pm and 7pm.

Performances will be held at 33 Center Road, Woodbridge, CT.


“Hopelessly Devoted” Cast List


Fairview High Faculty & Staff

Jodi West - Kathy O’Connor

Lisa Phillips - Alexa Luft

Ian Peters - Sam Taubl

Mandi Ludlow - Jessica Coppola

Fran Hayes - Cheri Charney

Tod Hayes - Mark Hall

Principal Kathy - Tiffany Ferriouolo

Coach Alex - Joanna Bair

Chef Gina - Samantha D’Auria

Jackie Wright - CC Hayden

Miss Emily - Alexa Charney

Mrs. Katz - Marjorie Drucker

Fairview High Students

JoJo - Eleni Kyriakides

Taylor - Denise Wray

Logan - Chris McGoldrick

Elliot - Brooke Sobolisky

Gracie - Alessia Mirci

Pat - Eli Blatchley

Sarah - Viviana Pfannenbecker

Darla - Brianna Brooks

AJ - Elisabeth Oppenheimer

Jack - Daniel Del Prete